EVERY issue includes:-

  • Brilliant writing

  • Eclectic mix of authors

  • Football history

  • Long reads

  • Offbeat stories

  • Well-known authors

  • Football fiction

  • Football from all corners of the earth

  • Crosswords

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  • Beautiful photos

  • Photo essays

The Blizzard Subscriptions

The Blizzard was born in a pub, Fitzgeralds on Green Terrace to be precise, the night in 2010 that Sunderland beat Bolton 4-0. Jonathan Wilson had been frustrated for some time by the constraints of the mainstream media and, in various press-rooms and bars across the world, had come to realise he wasn’t the only one who felt journalism as a whole was missing something.

As Jonathan floated thoughts and theories to those around the table in Fitzys, he became aware there were other writers so keen to break the shackles of Search Engine Optimisation that they were prepared to write for a share of potential profit, that the joy of writing what they wanted and felt was important outweighed the desire to be paid. The result, about a year later, was (and still is!) The Blizzard, which has sailed past the ten-year mark and is now a key part of the football writing landscape. The priority is the product rather than profit, so we will not go chasing readers; the aim, rather, is to remain true to our ethos and to provide an alternative to that which already exists.


If you have any questions regarding subscriptions, please email us at theblizzard@subscriptionhelpline.co.uk or call us on 01293 312174.

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